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Night out in Rangiora
Rangiora Happy Hour
Hunting for coconuts – Tikehau
Beaching the dingy to explore
Coconuts anyone?
Cracking the coconut problem
Clear water for snorkeling
Sunset in paradise – Raoria
Happy Hour with fresh coconut!
Motu paradise
Sunset on Raynad
Elegant happy hour sunset
Natural beauty of white sands and driftwood
Taking in the view- Tahaena
Crabs in a tree!
Masked Booby on the nest
Magnificent Masked Booby
White sands of the motu
Tern eggs are laid on branches with the colors providing camouflage
Dainty Fairy Terns
Crab art
Amazing colors and contrast
Sooty Tern chick
Booby egg found in a tree
Chistian & Birgit come for happy hour
Motu vista -Tahaena
Raynad in crystal waters
Masked Booby
Beautiful Jodie
One of many Fakarava Black Tips
Jodie grates the coconut
Mother and Daughter
A fun night out – Rangiora
Pina Colada’s Rangiora
More Classy night out – Rangiora
Rangiora sunset
Classy sunset
Coconut Clowining
Exploring Motu by kayak
Coconut gathering
Clear waters exploring wrecked raft Raoria
Jodie jogs the beach
Jodie Raoria Motu
Coconut anyone?
Passage SunRISE
Happy Hour
Raoria Sunset
Clear Waters of Raoria
TOAU Anse Amyot
Toau Fish Traps
Gaston & Valerie’s – Toau
Anse Amyot Toau
Reef Rubble
Capt John maintains the engines
Tackling the coconut harvest!?!
Thor Heyerdahl’s KonTiki Memorial
Swimming the gap
Beautiful crab legs